The cookie option specifies parameters to store with the cookie. It contains a key / value pairing with the key being the parameter name and the value being set accordingly based on a few simple rules described below.

This only applies when using the cookie storage option.

With this setup there are some default minimum values for the cookies. But any others can be added or removed by extending or overriding this parameter.


By default values ​​stored in stores including cookie will be coerced to string by JSON.stringify

Expires Key

There is one special built in case with the cookie.expires value. The correct value for this is a date string. However, there is a built in check for a non string integer offset value that will automatically convert to a date. This is to simplify things with a simple offset.


We can take a look at some of the current default values:

    cookie: {
        path:     '/',
        domain:   null,
        secure:   true,
        expires:  12096e5,
        sameSite: 'None',

If the set cookie function is run with a key/value of "myval" and "blah" the resulting cookie would look something like the following.

document.cookie =
  "myval=blah; path=/;; Secure; Expires=${ + 12096e5}; SameSite=None;"

In the above example, the domain was dynamically returned from the getCookieDomain function and the expires was automatically converted to a date string for us.

Any other parameters added there would follow the same pattern.