
auth.ready() => boolean

Returns the current auth loading state.

Check for a valid token, then wait for any refresh and/or user fetch if enabled before being set to true.


    <span v-show="!auth.ready()"> Loading... </span>

    <span v-show="auth.ready()"> Ready! </span>


auth.load() => Promise<AxiosResponse>

This works similar to the ready() method except it returns a Promise which can be used for further processing.

Multiple Promise .load().then() chains can be created.


<script lang="ts" setup>
const auth = useAuth()

  .then(() => {
    if (auth.check()) {
      // fetch some data


auth.check(role: Roles) => boolean;

Check to see if a user is logged in.

It accepts a role parameter to check for specific role access. The additional key parameter is to specify the roles field to check against on the user object if different from the default one set in options.rolesKey.

The optional key string parameter supports dot notation to access a nested role key.

There are four main types of checks available:

  • "array of strings" to "array of strings"
  • "array of strings" to "string"
  • "string" to "string"
  • "object" to "object"

There is NO array of objects comparison available.


    <a v-if="!$auth.check()"> login </a>

    <a v-if="$auth.check('admin')"> admin </a>

    <a v-if="$auth.check(['admin', 'manager'])"> manage </a>

    <a v-if="$auth.check('admin', 'nested.key')"> nested </a>

General String and Array comparisons.


// {id: 1, email: '', roles: 'admin'}

auth.check("admin") // true
this.$auth.check("user") // false
this.$auth.check(["admin", "user"]) // true
this.$auth.check("admin", "blah") // false

The check can also do Object to Object comparisons.


// {id: 1, email: '', roles: {team: 'view', boards: ['view', 'edit']}}

this.$auth.check({ team: "edit" }) // false
this.$auth.check({ team: "view" }) // true
this.$auth.check({ boards: "edit" }) // true
this.$auth.check({ boards: ["edit", "view"] }) // true
